We depend on insurance companies to be there for us after we sustain an injury or loss of property. However, they are primarily concerned with the bottom line and saving money. Contact Studinski Law, LLC to speak with a knowledgeable Wisconsin bad faith insurance attorney about your claim today at (715) 343-2850 or use our online form below.

The Required Good Faith of Insurance Companies

Wisconsin law requires that insurance companies act in good faith when they are handling claims. This is necessary since an insurance company often has so much more power and financial strength than its insured. The law makes clear that insurance companies must be fair toward their insureds who may deserve damages, and they are not allowed to pursue higher profits at the cost of policyholders who they are supposed to protect. They must also treat third-party claimants fairly when dealing with a claim against their insured’s policies.

The Wisconsin Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act is a law that is meant to protect people from deceptive or unreasonable business practices of insurance companies. It makes clear that insurance companies are not allowed to dodge payments or delay the claim process. Specifics of this law include the following:

  • Insurance companies cannot misrepresent their policies.
  • Insurance companies must fully disclose all benefits and coverages in their customers’ insurance policies.
  • Insurance companies cannot deny a claim based on arbitrary time limits given to claimants to prove their loss or property damage.
  • Insurance companies must provide reasonable assistance during the claims process which includes appropriate forms and clear instructions.
  • Insurance companies cannot force you to travel unreasonably long distances during the claims process.
  • Insurance companies must provide reasonable explanations as to why any claim is denied

What Can Studinski Law Do for You?

Bad faith insurance claims involve both state and federal laws. We understand how to get you the compensation you deserve when insurance companies treat you badly.
You may be able to recover punitive damages. We know how to present your case to the court to assess punitive damages.
The elements of a bad faith insurance claim can be difficult to prove. We know the law and can help you protect your rights.

Signs of Bad Faith Insurance Practices

Sometimes it can be clear when an insurance company or agent is being unfair or abusive toward you, but bad faith is not always easy to identify. Your insurance company may be very polite and express empathy when speaking with you on the phone, but at the same time they could be acting in bad faith to deny you what you are owed. Bad faith law relates to the insurance company’s legal obligation to fulfill its legal obligations. Your insurance bad faith attorney must understand the law as it applies to an insurance provider.

Studinski Law, LLC has years of experience dealing with insurance companies as we fight to get the most for our clients. Some of the most common signs of insurance bad faith that we have seen include:

  • Offering substantially less in settlement than the claim is worth
  • Refusing to negotiate a fair settlement when liability is clear or legally established
  • Transferring a claim multiple times to a variety of claim adjusters for purposes of delay
  • Delaying the payments of valid claims
  • Refusing documentation requests or a written explanation of the reason why a claim was denied
  • Denying coverage without a proper claim investigation
Insurance Bad Faith Lawyers

Our Wisconsin Bad Faith Insurance Attorneys Have the Experience to Help You

Few things can be as stressful and challenging as an insurance company refusing to properly handle your claim during your time of need. It’s not always easy to prove that an insurance provider is acting in bad faith, and for that reason you need a lawyer who has experience in insurance claims and who understands insurance bad faith law that is meant to protect you. Wisconsin law prohibits an insurance company from unreasonably denying or delaying your claim. We have helped our clients with many disputes such as:

  • Car Insurance Claim Disputes
  • Fire Insurance Claim Disputes
  • Life Insurance Claim Disputes
  • Homeowner’s Insurance Claim Disputes
  • Disability Insurance Claim Disputes
  • Long Term Care Insurance Claim Disputes

You may be uncertain of what to do if an insurance company is not helping you during your time of need. If that is the case, you need an attorney who understands your rights and how the law applies to bad faith in insurance practices. If you feel that an insurance company has handled or is handling your case in bad faith, contact us today to speak with an experienced attorney. Call Studinski Law, LLC, at (715) 343-2850.

With offices in Plover and Marshfield, Studinski Law, LLC serves clients throughout Wisconsin. Whether you live in a large city or a rural town, regardless of the accident or the injuries you suffered, you have the right to be compensated for your losses. Our Wisconsin personal injury attorneys are familiar with the Wisconsin courts in your area, and will fight to tell your story – where ever it needs to be told.

Insurance Bad Faith FAQs

What is Insurance Bad Faith?

Insurance bad faith involves wrongful actions of an insurance company that is processing a first-party or third-party insurance claim. Insurance companies are legally required to handle claims with good faith and fair dealing. If they fail to process your claim in a timely manner or deny your claim without valid reason, you may be able to obtain compensation for your additional losses.

What is the Difference Between a First-Party Claim and a Third-Party Claim?

Insurance bad faith claims may be made by first-party claimants or third-party claimants. A first-party claimant is one who is making a claim against their own insurance policy. A third-party claimant is one who is making a claim against someone else’s insurance policy for losses they sustained due to that insurance customer’s wrongful actions or negligence. When the insurance company exposes its insured to damages in excess of the policy limits or to damages that are not covered by the insurance policy, it may be responsible for insurance bad faith in a third-party context.

How Much Is My Insurance Bad Faith Claim Worth?

very insurance bad faith claim is different. However, generally your claim would be worth the original value of your losses, which the insurance company may be trying to deny, plus an additional amount owed to you due to the insurance company’s bad faith. You may also be allowed to collect your attorneys’ fees and possibly punitive damages if the insurance company acted in bad faith against the law.

Studinski Law, LLC Can Help Put Things Right

When an insurance company is not handling your claim properly, assert yourself with a skilled Wisconsin bad faith insurance lawyer.

Contact Studinski Law, LLC at (715) 343-2850 or send us a message.

Jason Studinski Injury Attorney
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